I hacked the chat plugin to add rooms

+1 vote
2,798 vues
question 8 Août 15 dans Q & A English par ladmin (2,277 points)  

Browse the hack on https://www.123.fr/q123/chat or download it from the zip folder

To check the alpha version Scott 1.7 / Igael 0.0.1 :

  • use a sleeping ( or testing ) QA site
  • save your database ( dbsave or phpmyadmin )
  • move the original chat folder and replace it by the one found in the zip.

- checklist

  • mysql creation or update
  • ajax updates of the lists : rooms in the main page and messages in the specific room page
  • translations ( forgot something ? )

It is in test here ; open an account ( you'll close it later ) to get access to the page.

Feedback welcome

thank you :)


commentée 8 Août 15 par ladmin (2,277 points)  
fixed an issue with tables create , not incremented the version number

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